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Custom icons for pages

26 Jul 2013

Icons are beautiful

I personnay like when things show off a bit. Icons are this kind of things that are simple yet beautiful. This is way I wanted to add icons in front in the pages title, to make them more visible and catchy.


This one is just for demostration. As you can check there is also a dropdown menu which change depending on which page you’re:

drop-down drop-down

Jekyll is awesome

The best of this icons is that they’re generated dinamically, there’s no hardcoding, all thanks to Jekyll.

For example, when I write a page and I want to add it an icon I just have to say where the icon is in the yml header

layout: nil
title : RSS Feed
img: images/rss.png
rss: true

The tag img specify the relative path to the icon.

I also added an easy way to make a page visible in the dropdown menu

layout: page
title: Grav
tagline: A VVVVVV Gravitron clone
group: project
img: images/grav.png
comments: true

Here the group allow me to do the work. There’s also an icon as the variable img is set.

The Code

Now let’s see the code to get this working. I first changed the way the pages are listes. So I edited the file _includes/JB/pages_list:

<% if site.JB.pages_list.provider == "custom" %>
  <% include custom/pages_list %>
<% else %>
  <% for node in pages_list %>
    <% if node.title != null and != "hide" %>
      <% if group == null or group == %>
      	<% if page.url == node.url %>
          <li class="active"><a href="" class="active">
          <% if page.img != null %>
            <img src="/" class="simple" width="24" height="24"/> 
          <% endif %>
        <% elsif node.dropdown != null and node.dropdown == %>
          <li class="active dropdown">
          <a href="#" class="dropdown-toggle active" data-toggle="dropdown">
          <% if page.img != null %>
            <img src="/" class="simple" width="24" height="24"/> 
          <% endif %>
          Custom icons for pages<b class="caret"></b></a>
          <% assign drop_group = node.dropdown %>
          <% include JB/pages_dropdown %>
        <% elsif node.dropdown != null%>
          <li class="dropdown">
          <a href="" class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown">
          <% if node.img != null %>
            <img src="/" class="simple" width="16" height="16"/> 
          <% endif %>
          <b class="caret"></b></a>
          <% assign drop_group = node.dropdown %>
          <% include JB/pages_dropdown %>
        <% else %>
          <li><a href="">
          <% if node.img != null %>
            <img src="/" class="simple" width="24" height="24"/> 
          <% endif %>
      	<% endif %>
      <% endif %>
    <% endif %>
  <% endfor %>
<% endif %>

<% assign pages_list = nil %>
<% assign group = nil %>

I obviously changed the { and the { into < and > because otherwise it will be interpreted (there is a way to do it rigth but I was quite lazy, you can find it here).

The magic itself is done by the:

  <li class="active"><a href="" class="active">
  <% if page.img != null %>
    <img src="/" class="simple" width="24" height="24"/> 
  <% endif %>

This piece of code is repeated many times. There’s also another include: JB/pages_dropdown Here is a fast view of the code:

<ul class="dropdown-menu">
<% for node in pages_list %>
<% if == drop_group %>
  <li><a href="">
    <% if node.img != null %>
      <img src="" class="simple" width="24" height="24"/> 
    <% endif %>
  <% endif %>
<% endfor %>

<% assign pages_list = nil %>
<% assign drop_group = nil %>

Finnaly I have a page named

layout: page
title: Projects 
group: navigation
dropdown: project

<h2>All Pages</h2>
<% assign pages_list = site.pages %}
<% assign group = 'project' %}
<% include JB/pages_list %}

As you can see I use some variables, such as group and dropdown to make the magic. Then I just use Twitter Bootstrap to display a dropdown. In my own case I needed to change the css to make the colors fit my theme.

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